People who are disabled or elderly can use specific doors and windows that help to make life easier for them. There has to be a balance between windows being easy to use while maintaining the appropriate level of security. Naturally, it can be hard for a person to do this on their own. They might not even know which features doors and windows should have. That’s why it’s necessary to deal with a window company that can handle the needs of the disabled and elderly with Milgard windows and doors. Some common concerns are addressed below. Call to have any questions about specialized window or door installations answered.
A disabled individual can have a hard time opening or closing a window. Opening or closing a window can be dangerous for some people. It’s possible for a person to severely injure their fingers while trying to work with a window. A person in a wheelchair may not be able to lift a double-hung window high enough. Windows that swing out are the best windows to use for people who have a hard time dealing with windows that would otherwise be out of range. In those cases, care should be taken not to crank the Milgard window too hard when closing it.
In some cases, the placement of window handles should be changed to allow for easier access. Even if a crank is being used to make a window more comfortable to use, it has to be placed in a spot that is easy to access. A window might not be made entirely ready for a disabled person to use. It’s not just people who are in wheelchairs that might have a hard time reaching higher handles. Other physical disabilities can affect a person’s ability to grasp handles. If a person loses their balance, they can fall into the glass and hurt themselves. Lower handle placement might be needed for some individuals or specific types of handles and locks.
People with physical disabilities don’t have to be limited to windows that operate via a crank. They can choose automatic windows. These windows work via remote. With a press of a button, a person can either open or close their window. Although these options are much more expensive than other choices, automatic windows offer a level of convenience that is hard to match. Automatic windows come in different sizes just like manual windows. These windows can also operate in different ways. Models that open and close by sliding are available. Regular windows can sometimes be turned into automatic windows with the addition of the right parts.
A person with a hearing problem might not be able to hear a visitor who is ringing their doorbell or knocking on their door. The best solution is to have Milgard windows by their door or to have a door with large windows in them. Understand that the windows don’t have to allow maximum visibility. That takes away from an individual’s privacy. The window can be tinted or allow for only obscured images and light to pass through it.
All individuals have concerns for their privacy regardless of ability or disability. A disabled person might enjoy the view, but it can be more difficult for them to open and close their window coverings. A deaf person needs more visibility, but not at the expense of privacy. An excellent solution for disabled people is to have automatic window coverings installed. A disabled person doesn’t even have to get out of bed to let light in when the sun rises in the morning. At night, they can quickly get privacy with a touch of a button.
Naturally, having too much glass in a door can be worrisome for some people. They might think that the glass is easy to break. Window glass can be installed that is easily able to resist impact. This type of glass isn’t just for windows in doors. It can be used in other windows throughout a person’s home. Interior shutters can be used to help protect glass as well as privacy. However, make sure these additions or changes also meet any state requirements as certain windows or doors have specific glass requirements.
It’s not only windows that can be a problem for disabled people. Doors can bring about many issues. For example, an entry point can be too narrow for someone who is in a wheelchair. Sure, they can pass through the door, but it takes a lot of effort. Anyone who is in a wheelchair should make sure that the doors in their home are wide enough to accommodate them comfortably. A person on the budget might have to choose one door to expand. As their budget allows, they can work on other entry points to the home and interior doors.
Doors can be modified in other ways. Instead of using door knobs, large handles should be used for doors. Large handles make it easier for people who might not have enough strength to grip door knobs. Doors also shouldn’t be too heavy. It’s important to keep in mind a door’s weight for both security purposes and making it easier to use. The balance is somewhere in the middle. Peepholes help ensure safety, but a peephole does no good if it is too high. As such, the height of a peephole might have to be adjusted for a person in a wheelchair.
It’s important for disabled people to work with window and door contractors who can help them. Each person will have different needs. Customizable doors and windows are a must for disable people, and they might not know which features they should be using if a contractor doesn’t help them. A deaf person probably isn’t going to have the same need as an individual in a wheelchair. Anyone who wants to explore their options can easily contact us to get the help that they need.