How Much Does It Cost to Replace Windows? Fiberglass vs Vinyl

How Much Does It Cost to Replace Windows? Fiberglass vs Vinyl

August 27, 2018
Martin Whitmore, President of US Window & Door
How Much Does It Cost to Replace Windows? Fiberglass vs Vinyl

Windows may last up to 40 years. Homeowners will need to live with their window choice for decades so it’s important to make the right choice.

How much does it cost to replace windows? The exact figure of your window prices will depend on the material you use for the frame.

Read on for an explanation of the difference between fiberglass vs vinyl, the average cost for each and the pros and cons of both.

Fiberglass Vs Vinyl

Fiberglass is a common type of fiber-reinforced plastic made with glass fiber. Vinyl is the shortened name of Poly-vinyl Chloride or PVC.

Vinyl Windows

Vinyl windows are strong, durable and easy to maintain. They are made to resist heat transfer and condensation. And no painting is necessary!

Vinyl windows tend to be less expensive than fiberglass. They are also easier to install. You can get these from just about every window retailer and you have high chances that you can get the size and shape you need easily.

These windows can last up to 30 years and do not fade in the sunlight. So you won’t replace them because they look old and dingy but rather because they are no longer supporting the window properly.

The cons to vinyl windows include that there are limited color options (usually white and beige shades).

They also are susceptible to warping in the heat because they expand and contract with temperature changes. As a result, the air seal may be poor.

Fiberglass Windows

Fiberglass is up to eight times stronger than vinyl. Window frames made out of this material are thinner which means you see more glass.

These windows can last up to 50 years so you are likely going to just replace your windows once and for all.

Fiberglass doesn’t expand, contract, or warp. However, you will need to paint them to keep them looking fresh.

You’ve got more color options with fiberglass than with vinyl, but darker colors may fade over time.

You will have guessed that one of the cons is that the price is higher than vinyl. It is also not as easily available. They are also more difficult to install which can add to your labor costs.

Read how to choose the best window replacement contractor.


From a distance, both vinyl and fiberglass are similar. However, there are some differences in appearance.

Vinyl windows have a join line at the corners that is easy to spot (some say it is obvious). Fiberglass window’s don’t.

Fiberglass frames look more like wood windows. Vinyl windows look more basic.

As we mentioned earlier, fiberglass windows have more color options because they can be painted. However, to keep their nice appearance they do require maintenance. They may peel or fade.


Professional window installation is the safe way to go. You will want a company that guarantees their labor and meets with you to fully understand your needs.

Vinyl is fairly flexible and expands and contracts easily. Add the fact that frames can be made to almost be the size of the window and you have a fast install.

Fiberglass is rigid. This means that these windows can be more difficult to fit into the window opening and will take longer to install. This will add to your window replacement cost.

If you are a confident DIYer you could potentially install your vinyl windows. But never try to install your own fiberglass ones.

How Much Does it Cost to Replace Windows?

Vinyl windows are less expensive to purchase and install. On average, fiberglass windows will cost about 10%-30% more.

Vinyl windows cost around $450 per window for small windows. Fiberglass windows cost about $600 each. Larger windows will obviously cost more.

However, keep in mind that you probably have over 20 windows in your home. That means that for materials alone the cost to replace windows is sitting at about $10,000.

Now you have to factor in the cost of installation. Some companies will give you an hourly rate for their labor. Others will give you individual window prices.

Contractors will build the price into their flat rate per window to offset the time it takes for fiberglass installation. Or if they charge by the hour, you can expect to pay twice the number of hours for fiberglass.

On average, a vinyl window will take about 2 hours to install. A fiberglass window will take 3-3.5 hours to install. This can make a big difference in your window replacement cost.

Factor in Energy efficiency in Window Prices

When you are adding up the cost to replace windows, keep energy efficiency in mind.

Though you may pay slightly more at the start, higher energy ratings in your windows can mean less heat and air conditioning is lost. This will equal a lower energy bill each month.

Most new windows are extremely energy efficient, with excellent insulation levels. But there are some better than others.

Energy efficient ratings for windows range from A to A+++. The more pluses, the more expensive the windows are. Considering how long your windows will last, that’s a lot of years of money-saving.

Air gaps in windows account for up to 30% lost heat or air conditioning.

The glass fibers in fiberglass window frames mean that the material does not expand and contract. This makes it a better insulator than vinyl. This is why your attic has fiberglass insulation.

Fiberglass is up to 15% better at insulating than vinyl.

Resale Value

A final consideration in calculating window replacement costs is resale value.

Let’s assume that your new windows are going to cost $10,000. You can expect to get around $7,900 of that $10,000 back when you sell the home.

When you factor in the energy efficiency savings, your new windows are practically free by the time you sell.

Last Thoughts

We hope this post helps you be better able to answer the question how much does it cost to replace windows?

Now you are probably wondering how to know when is the right time to replace your windows. Read When to replace windows: everything you need to know.